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Wednesday Wisdom: Support Systems

March 20, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom, Inspiration, Motivation for Women Entrepreneurs, Female Business Owners, and Female Athletes

Amazing humans running in front of me during the NYC Half Marathon
Just when you think you might falter in a goal, something, or sometimes someone shows up at the exact moment to inspire you. It happened to me on the Manhattan Bridge in the New York City Half Marathon at Mile Marker 5 as my legs felt heavy from the upward ascent to the top of the bridge. For a moment, one brief moment, I was going to stop and walk a bit.
Then ahead of me, I witnessed two neon yellow shirts, one with a rope attached to a man in a black shirt with the words “Blind” in white print on his back. Just like in the 2017 Boston Marathon, I was running near a blind athlete and in awe of him and the two women helping him achieve his goal. Zap went my energy rising high again as I witnessed this incredible feat and act of selfless support of two humans to another person.
A quick shot running through Times Square, Manhattan NY
As I passed them, I looked to my right over the East River to see a man running with a silver leg from his knee down to his shoe. He was striding faster than I was. The beautiful sunshine and sparkles on the river sprang around him as if he was being carried by magic or a spirit from above. He was just like the man I ran next to in Boston as well. I have never forgotten the images of the blind and handicapped men I passed in 2017, simply amazed by their fortitude.
As I entered Times Square, I heard my name being screamed from behind the ropes by my husband, son, and daughter-in-law, there to cheer me on at Mile Marker 11. A video they shot of me waving my arms in pure joy and excitement as I saw them there, will remain in my memory forever. They were there to support me. I never asked for it feeling it was selfish to make them wait two and a half hours to see me appear somewhere on the course. But there they were to motivate my spirit and tired legs through the rest of the race.
My forever support team
Nearing the finish line, I thought to myself that support in any form is a gift – support from loved ones, help from strangers, words of encouragement, or pieces of advice, are more important than money in the bank or blue-skyed days. We need support in all areas of life, especially as women entrepreneurs, female athletes, and women in this world of so many inequalities. We also must be supports to others.
Today’s Wednesday Wisdom is to remind you of your personal and business support systems who lift you up when you need it or don’t expect it. Sometimes strangers play this role too. Other times only those closest to us lend what we need. Be inspired today to write a list of people, systems, strangers, and organizations who have carried your through rough patches, over steep hills, on flat byways, and even on the fun, and fast-paced exciting times in your daily and yearly life. You need them. You have them. Make sure they know you appreciate them. 
Adam Higginbotham, Tracy, Rachel Brenner Higginbotham
Cheers to all the people who supported me before, during, and after the New York City Half Marathon the past few months. I couldn’t have run it without the love and backing.
My #261Fearless running friend Deb Mills
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