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Wednesday Wisdom: Next Steps

May 29, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom, Inspiration, Motivation for Women Entrepreneurs, Female Business Owners

As the sun rose over our pond and light filled the screen porch with a golden glow, my 22-year-old niece, a recent college graduate, sat having coffee with me. Having a few minutes together after throwing her a Memorial Day Graduation Party, I asked, “How do you think you’ll succeed in your next stage of education in graduate school since you did so well as an undergraduate?” She said, “I’ll do the same thing I did for four years, dive right into my studies and work diligently for two more years to get my Master’s Degree and then decide if I want to stay at the college to get my Ph.D. after that.”
I was amazed at the clarity of her succession plans. She succeeded in high school and college and planned on doing it again in the next stages of her career plan. She’s always been a confident girl, but this time I saw her differently as a smart, mature woman with a plan to branch out while continuing her work in and on the ocean.
Niece Lexie Delviscio (left)
I was not like her after completing a Bachelor’s Degree. Going right into a Master’s program wasn’t a natural decision and surely a Ph.D. wasn’t on my horizon like it seems today for graduates. I felt lucky to get an undergraduate degree and eventually half a Master’s Degree, only because my employer paid for tuition, once I started my career in higher education.
I returned to take more business courses once I became an entrepreneur because I needed it and knew it was a natural step to succeed. Online courses, Zoom programs, and in-person conferences helped my intellectual prowess as a business owner. “Never stop learning,” is a truthful quote.
On June 5, you have a chance to learn insights from 100 women who share their wisdom in business to help propel you forward in the next step in yours. The new book “Women Mean Business”, co-authored by Andi Simon, Ph.D., asks you to consider these critical questions: Where are you going? Who can help you get there? How can you achieve and embrace the best possible outcome? How can you remain resilient?
As I begin refereeing women’s lacrosse periodically, to combine leadership, sports, and an interest in helping women’s athletics, I realize this next step is just a progression of a part of my career – helping women, leading, staying active, and hopefully inspiring from the field.
Today’s Wednesday Wisdom encourages you to think about your perception, action, or next step in your business or career. Are you good at taking the next step to improve your life or career? Are you too scared to move to the following place in your journey? What holds you back? What could propel you forward? If you are stuck, please join us on June 5th and hopefully get inspired by other women’s suggestions.
As my niece learns how to map the ocean floor in her next degree (photo above), I’ll be inspired by her actions to lean into my next steps on the field. Will you be joining us?
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