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Wednesday Wisdom: Divine Timing

May 22, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom, Inspiration, Motivation for Women Entrepreneurs, Female Business Owners

I woke this beautiful warm spring morning to a message from a dear friend who is traveling in my favorite state of Maine where memories of my father lie in the seashore’s sand, ocean waves, and tall mighty pine trees. Having never been to this region of the country, I shared with her some of my favorite places including a Franciscan Monastery with walking trails and an outdoor sanctuary to Mother Mary, a favorite restaurant overlooking the sea marsh with exceptional lobster bisque, and a winding trail next to a harbor I run every morning on my vacations.
My friend is a gifted intuitive woman who vibrates energetically at my same level. Several years ago I asked her to conduct a special visioning session she does with clients to help me see into my spirit and future. During the session, I witnessed myself doing things in the future related to my business and life I had not thought of before. Only within this contemplative journey did I see something to look for. This morning she sent me a sign from Maine related to that visual session that reminded me when seeds are sown in our minds, they eventually spring into action.
Writing a business plan is another contemplative tool for women entrepreneurs to use especially as they begin their companies or are in the midst of one as the business road curves and winds. With a business plan, the entrepreneur must also envision, create, and vocalize their intentions into a document to remember what they have seen and want to plan. Typing out a commerce document isn’t nearly as fun as delving into the depths of a mind to extract a vision but it can be especially this time of year when we witness the bald earth growing its grass in the beauty of the warming air and sun reminding us our positive thoughts produce outcomes.
I am sure today you want to abandon desk work to be outside and embrace this beautiful day. I suggest if you do contemplate the vision you hold for your future, take a pad of paper and pen and write down what you see leaving the computer behind. Sometimes going back to basics like holding a pen and seeing our handwriting injects ideas more solidly into our minds. Sitting or strolling in nature’s elements can also open creative and intuitive vibes ready to be felt, seen, and heard to remind us of dreams we have inside. Abandon the traditional way you work today to take in the beauty of the day and its gifts.
Today’s Wednesday Wisdom is to remind you the seeds you plant today will sprout shortly if you take time to nurture them. Take a minute and think back to a time when a dream or vision for your business turned into reality. Perhaps the outcome didn’t sprout right up or develop as fast as planned, but it did in its own time. I refer to that as “divine timing.” It happens in both our personal and business lives if we let it.
Perhaps today find time to acknowledge the perfect timing of a dream or goal when it arrives one morning unexpectedly. Like me, you’ll be enriched when it appears reminding you to trust in yourself and what life has in store.
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